
The Damgana and racism

In pursuing racial justice at home and abroad, our ability to recognize and understand the Damgana is a litmus test for our ability to understand injustice around the world.

We are presented with a clear-cut case of,
• entire populations vanishing in just a few decades, after thousands of years;
• local communities being reframed as foreign aliens;
• governments either complicit in or actively supportive of mass removal;
• and injustice, albeit in a different context than the United States and Europe.

Because of the surrounding conflicts between Jews and Arabs, our ability or inability to connect with the Damgana is an absolute test of whether we have what it takes to understand challenging narratives.

Understanding the Damgana today is a meaningful test of whether we are vigiliant guardians of justice, peace, and the quest for freedom, or whether we adopt simplistic, one-note narratives on international issues, which reinforces White supremacy.